One of the best posts written on Election 2016 is by VC Mark Suster, who cuts through the mainstream media’s sins of evenhandedness in their treatment of Trump, to address the dangerous rationalizations of another VC, Peter Thiel.
Mr. Suster has many powerful sentences in this post, but this may be the best:
“But on issues of racism, race-baiting, religious intolerance, misogyny, sexual assault, white supremacy and demagoguery — there can be no gray area, Peter. These are disqualifying issues and you are completely wrong to support Donald Trump.”
Mark: If roses came in red, white and blue, I would send you a dozen. Thank you for a post that spells out exactly how fundamentally un-American Trump’s behavior is — and Thiel’s rationalizations are. And for confirming for an exhausted community of diverse women online, whether we are running companies or households or both, that there are white men who are refusing to tolerate the backwards time-travel, hate and harassment perpetuated by Trump and all his supporters.